August 27, 2023
Consider with Iberia Brisa

1 What makes you feel safe?
1 My experiences are more abundant when I find beauty in the seemingly

2 What moves and inspires you most?
2 I’ve found that I’m most creative after time spent with the incredible women I
have in my life. Energy flows when we gather, it’s so sweet.
have in my life. Energy flows when we gather, it’s so sweet.

3 Describe a memory that makes you feel joy.
3 Three years ago, I had a few visions during a past life regression meditation.
The scenes were light: I remember one vividly where I was in an isolated
cottage surrounded by green pastures. It was just me, my partner at the time,
and our dog. It was simple and we were happy.
The scenes were light: I remember one vividly where I was in an isolated
cottage surrounded by green pastures. It was just me, my partner at the time,
and our dog. It was simple and we were happy.

4 Do you have any rituals/daily practices?
4 When I’m home, not a day passes without listening to music on a record player
while I sip my homemade chai. I’m on a heavy Father John Misty kick; his latest
album makes my mornings feel cinematic.
while I sip my homemade chai. I’m on a heavy Father John Misty kick; his latest
album makes my mornings feel cinematic.
5 What does timelessness mean to you?
5 Our memories are timeless; they are what we always carry with us.

6 What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
6 Quality time with those I love is the greatest gift I continue to receive: hugs
from my dog, time with family, even exchanging ten minute long voice messages
with long distance friends.
from my dog, time with family, even exchanging ten minute long voice messages
with long distance friends.