February 18, 2023
Consider with Karly Ryan

1 What fills your heart up?
1 Seeing unconditional love explored through my dearest friends getting married and starting families.

2 How do you try to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
2 To live with true intention, to live with less “stuff," and more mindful energy.

3 What are your simplest pleasures?
3 Early morning hikes before the world is awake. Smelling fresh dew on the grass and hearing the birds sing before the hustle and bustle of the world starts. That is when I feel closest to source. And climbing into a bed with fresh sheets after a long day.
4 What are you curious about learning?
4 Everything about ancient herbs and practices around birth control.
5 What is the best gift you've ever received?
5 A handmade necklace from my partner made with a rock we found on our first date.
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