March 04, 2024
Consider with Shelby Walker

1 Describe a memory that makes you feel joy.
1 When my husband and I first started dating, we’d spend a lot of time driving around listening to music. There was one time in particular that I will always remember. The windows were down and the sun was just starting to set. I remember watching him sing along to the radio and wanting to live in that moment forever. Now, almost ten years later, I still remember it just as clearly and it still brings me so much joy.

2 What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
2 A couple years ago my aunt sent me some money with the note “summer’s end and just because.” For whatever reason, that has stuck with me more than any other gift I have received. Not so much the gift, but to have been thought of so unexpectedly and to have been left a note that resonated with me so deeply at the time. I took a screenshot of her words and it lives in my favorites album as a little reminder that I can celebrate just because.

3 Is there anything you currently collect and why?
3 I collect nail polish. I am a firm believer in color therapy. It is amazing the impact the right color can have on my mood. I love having the ability to change what’s on my nails depending on how I’m feeling, and then being able to easily look at and enjoy it throughout my day.

4 What moves and inspires you most?
4 I will forever be amazed at the kindness of strangers. There are people I hardly know that have shown me more kindness and grace than people I have known my whole life. That alone inspires me more than anything.

5 What are your simplest pleasures?
5 I love a fun little drink. By that I mean anything other than water. Usually it's Coke Zero or Earl Grey tea.